Welcome to the Neuroinformatics Lab

Understanding the brain is one of the big challenges of the third millennium. Our leverage is a joint effort of neuroscientists, clinicians and computer scientists. The improvement of neuroimaging analysis is our contribution to help deal with brain disorders. Artificial Intelligence is the way to learn from brain data.

The Neuroinformatics Laboratory (NILab) rises as a collaborative initiative between the Centre for Augmented Intelligence of Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the Centre for Mind and Brain Sciences of the University of Trento in order to promote interdisciplinary research in cognitive neuroscience.

Neuroinformatics stands at the intersection of neuroscience and computer science, and it provides theories and technologies for managing, analyzing, and modeling data collected with modern instruments of brain inspection used within the neuroscience community.

The research activity covers mostly the design and the development of novel computational models for the integration, analysis, and interpretation of unimodal and multimodal brain-imaging data. The research interests include the translation of results to clinical neuroscience.



08-10 November 2024

NILab presents an exhibit with a simulation of Direct Electrical Stimulation (DES) in neurosurgery room at the event Focus Live in Milan.

11 October 2024

Ludovico Coletta is awarded with a research grant by Fondazione Caritro for a neuroimaging study on Parkinson.

10 October 2024

Paolo Avesani is invited to give a talk on Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence at the event for the World Mental Health Day in Bolzano, Italy.

09 October 2024

Gabriele De Leonardis defends his Master’s Thesis in Cognitive Science titled “Simulating Spreading Dynamics on the Human Connectome Predicts Working Memory Load in Health and Psychiatric Disorders”.

05 October 2024

Chiara Riccardi presents the work “Can Transfer Learning Improve Supervised Segmentation of White Matter Bundles in Glioma Patients?" at the MICCAI Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI 2024).

27 September 2024

Ludovico Coletta receives the award “Premio Trentino per la Ricerca” in the Life Science section at the event Wired Next Fest in Rovereto.

23 September 2024

Paolo Avesani is invited to the panel on Next Generation AI organized by ANSA at the FAIR conference.

22 July 2024

Gabriele Amorosino has been awarded cum laude a PhD in Cognitive and Brain Sciences from the University of Trento. Doctoral thesis: “Deep Learning for Brain Structural Connectivity Analysis: from Tissue Segmentation to Tractogram Alignment”.

11 July 2024

Marco Bedini presents the work “‘What’ and ‘Where’ pathways within prefrontal cortex govern top-down attentional control through their differential connectivity fingerprints” at the Salzburg Mind Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Österreich.

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