
08-10 November 2024
NILab presents an exhibit with a simulation of Direct Electrical Stimulation (DES) in neurosurgery room at the event Focus Live in Milan.

11 October 2024
Ludovico Coletta is awarded with a research grant by Fondazione Caritro for a neuroimaging study on Parkinson.

10 October 2024
Paolo Avesani is invited to give a talk on Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence at the event for the World Mental Health Day in Bolzano, Italy.

09 October 2024
Gabriele De Leonardis defends his Master’s Thesis in Cognitive Science titled “Simulating Spreading Dynamics on the Human Connectome Predicts Working Memory Load in Health and Psychiatric Disorders”.

05 October 2024
Chiara Riccardi presents the work “Can Transfer Learning Improve Supervised Segmentation of White Matter Bundles in Glioma Patients?” at the MICCAI Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI 2024).

27 September 2024
Ludovico Coletta receives the award “Premio Trentino per la Ricerca” in the Life Science section at the event Wired Next Fest in Rovereto.

23 September 2024
Paolo Avesani is invited to the panel on Next Generation AI organized by ANSA at the FAIR conference.

22 July 2024
Gabriele Amorosino has been awarded cum laude a PhD in Cognitive and Brain Sciences from the University of Trento. Doctoral thesis: “Deep Learning for Brain Structural Connectivity Analysis: from Tissue Segmentation to Tractogram Alignment”.

11 July 2024
Marco Bedini presents the work “‘What’ and ‘Where’ pathways within prefrontal cortex govern top-down attentional control through their differential connectivity fingerprints” at the Salzburg Mind Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Österreich.

10 July 2024
The paper “Spontaneous unilateral spatial neglect recovery after brain tumour resection: A multimodal diffusion and rs-fMRI case report” in collaboration with Luca Zigiotto is published on the Journal of Neuropsychology.

23-27 June 2024
Paolo Avesani presents the exhibit “Brain Warfare: the border’s battles of cognitive functions” at the event OHBM 2024 Brain Art.

24-25 June 2024
Ludovico Coletta presents the work “Wiring the metanetwork of language: a connectome-driven neurosurgery approach” at the OHBM 2024 (poster #2103).

15 June 2024
NILab organizes an Hands-on Session on new tools for Brain Connectivity analysis at the eventConnectBrain Vol. III.

14 June 2024
Ludovcio Coletta gives the talk “Tools and principles for analysis of functional connectivity and brain plasticity” at the event ConnectBrain Vol. III.

13 June 2024
Paolo Avesani gives the talk “AI and Brain Connectivity: the Innovation of Artificial Intelligence in Neuroimaging” at the event ConnectBrain Vol. III.

7 June 2024
Ludovico Coletta receives the award “Premio per la comunicazione nelle neuroscienze Aldo Fasolo” for his video “An unexpected discovery”.

11 April 2024
The paper “ a decentralized and open-source cloud platform to support neuroscience research” in collaboration with Soichi Hayashi is published on Nature Methods.

19 March 2024
The paper “A revision of the dorsal origin of the frontal aslant tract (FAT) in the superior frontal gyrus: a DWI-tractographic study” in collaboration with Marco Tagliaferri is published on Brain Structure and Function.

16 March 2024
Paolo Avesani gives the talk “Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience: a Strange Loop” at the event dedicated to AI and neuroscience organized by Accademia degli Agiati in Rovereto.

3 March 2024
The paper “Integrating direct electrical brain stimulation with the human connectome” by Ludovico Coletta is published on Brain.

23 February 2024
Gabriele Amorosino receives an Honorable Mention for his work on “DBB - A Distorted Brain Benchmark for Automatic Tissue Segmentation in Paediatric Patients” at the event of Reproducibility Awards organized by the ITRN.

16 February 2024
Paolo Avesani gives a talk on “How to trust generalization of learning models in critical domain?” at the Euregio Workshop on Trustworthy AI.